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Transaction Security

Safe Internet Shopping Using Secure Trading

We use Securetrading, a payment service provider who process payments by credit card and debit card in real-time across the Internet. Their e-payment network uses digital signatures and strong encryption to ensure that all sensitive information is protected throughout the payment process. In reality, payment through a secure payment service provider like Securetrading is generally more secure than a card transaction in a shop or conducted over the telephone or fax.

Secure Trading

The right information in the wrong hands is the basis of identity theft. To prevent interception of, or tampering with, the data, all on-line transactions involving customers’ personal or financial information are secured with 128-bit SSL encryption using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol. The security of this service is certified by Thwate, the global certificate authority. We do not store customers’ card details in any part of our network.

Further protection is provided because card issuers protect cardholders from fraudulent use of their card in a “card not present” environment, such as over the Internet. As the shopper did not sign for the goods, they have the absolute right to demand a charge-back if those goods did not arrive or the card was used fraudulently.