The Independent Archive

The Independent was founded in 1986 and Historic Newspapers stocks an unparalleled range of Independent back issues. Our newspaper selection tool makes it easy to select that copy of the Independent from any date (Monday-Saturday.) Give the paper as a gift for someone’s special day or find that specific article you’re after.

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The Independent Newspaper Archive

The Independent Newspaper

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The Independent Supplements

The Independent provided a colour magazine with the newspaper from Saturday 10th September 1988. A new “Weekend” review was also added to the paper.

The newspaper launched “Extra” on 25th April 2006. This was a second features addition and it was published from Monday to Friday. On 23rd September 2008, the main newspaper converted to full colour and the “Extra” supplement was renamed “Independent Life Supplement”. The Independent also includes a separate sports summary with the Monday edition of the paper and an ”Arts and Books” pull-out on every Friday. Saturday’s edition of the Independent currently includes “The Independent Colour Magazine“, the “Information Magazine” and a “Sport” newspaper supplement.