The News of the World Newspaper
Your newspaper gift can be further personalised by adding the recipient’s name, the occasion, and a personal greeting on the Certificate of Authenticity, which acts as a guarantee that your copy is a genuine original newspaper.
Housing a collection of News of the World back issues, Historic Newspapers have the UK’s largest collection of this paper.
News of the World Supplements
The leading newspaper supplement in the News of the World was “Score”, a football section that is published weekly during the football season. The paper also came with the weekly glossy magazine, “Fabulous”.“Fabulous” replaced the “Sunday” and “Big on TV” magazines on 3rd February 2008. It contained real life stories and celebrity interviews, in addition to a variety of features on topics such as body and soul, fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver and astrologer “Mystic Meg” have both written popular columns in the “Fabulous” magazine, and it also includes seven-day television listings.