1911 Newspaper Headlines
Historic Newspapers’ vast archive of 1911 newspaper headlines will transport you back in time. The collection catalogues the major 1911 news, a year characterised by colonial exploration, industrial and technical innovation, and political and social activism.
The beginning of the 20th century was a pivotal point in history for women’s rights. Read about the public’s reaction to the storming of parliament in London by the Suffragettes, demanding votes for women and boycotting the 1911 census – and the subsequent punishments they received. Did you know that it was in this year that England signed a trading deal with China to make Opium the main trading commodity between them? An unimaginable reality nowadays.
King George V was the talk of the town this year, his coronation took place and he also managed to change the fate of India forever by announcing Delhi as it’s new capital. Rediscover this fascinating year in history through our range of 1911 newspaper articles, and you’ll, without a doubt, find yourself captivated by the stories of the past.
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